Adult leafhoppers can mostly be encountered from July through October.
These leafhoppers are polyphagous, feeding on the sap of various species of herbaceous plants, mainly Juncus effusus (Juncaceae sp.), Carex and Scirpus sylvaticus (Cyperaceae sp.), Holcus mollis (Poaceae sp.), Galium palustre (Rubiaceae) and Fabaceae species.
Cicadella viridis may have one or more generations per year. In the colder parts of Europe, there is one generation per year, in the warmer parts two, and in some regions even three generations. In the temperate climate of Europe, females lay eggs in late August - early November. This species overwinters in the egg stage. Nymphs appear in the spring. The transformation of nymphs into adults occurs in June or in July.
The 'Green Leafhoppers' are mainly preyed by spiders (Parasteatoda tepidariorum, Dolomedes fimbriatus, Tetragnatha extensa).Possible parasites are several Dryinidae species.Moreover several parasitoids of the family Mymaridae (Anagrus species) lay their eggs in eggs of these leafhoppers.
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